Author Guidelines

  • Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan is a semi-annual journal published in June and September. We accept research articles, reviews of literature and book reviews on religious literatures, including (but not limited to): classical manuscripts, contemporary literature studies, religious and cultural heritage, archaeology and history, literature studies, and related topics.
  • Submitted articles should have not been published or are under consideration/review elsewhere.
  • Submitted articles should pass the similarity check. Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan set the similarity percentage to maximum 20%. Articles with more than 20% similarity will be returned. Proof of similarity check can be sent to
  • To be considered for publication, manuscripts should be between 6,000-10,000 words, typed in MS Word doc./docx. format, using 12 size Times New Roman fonts, 1.5 space on A4-size paper.
  • Articles will be reviewed by subject reviewers, while the editors reserve the right to edit articles for format consistency without altering the substance.
  • The article format consists of: (a) Title, (b) Authors name, affiliation and email address, (c) abstract, (d) key words, (e) Introduction, (f) Results and Discussions, (g) Conclusion, (h) References.

Each section is described below.

    1. Title
      - Article title is written clearly and concisely using good academic English
      - Title should not be more than 14 words
      - Title is written in bold capital letter, on the top left of the page
      - Title is written in English
      - Title represents the content of the article
    2. Authors name (without academic titles), affiliation and email address.
      For more than one authors, the names are separated comma (,). Only one email address is put below the title (corresponding author or first author).
    3. Abstract should briefly describe the background, theoretical framework (if applicable), gap in the literature, key findings, significance and implication (if applicable). Abstract is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
    4. Key words identify the key concepts of the paper which enables the readers to easily find the papers on Search Engine. Key words could consist of 3 - 5 words in Italics. See Template (attached).
    5. Introduction consists of background of the study, literature review/ previous studies, problem statement/ research objectives and methodology (research sites, subjects/participants, time, location, data collection method, data analysis method). In-text citation should follow the format and guidance of Chicago Manual Style 17th edition. Please make sure in the Introduction, there is one paragraph that contains prior research and shows the novelty / state of the art of your article.
    6. Findings and Discussion contain the results from data analysis, answering the research questions and connecting the findings with the theory(ies) or concepts presented in Introduction. In-text citation should follow the format and guidance of Chicago Manual Style 17th edition (Full Note).
    7. Conclusion briefly summarizes the objective of the study connected to the key findings. Implications and suggestions for future studies can also be presented.
    8. Acknowledgement (if applicable) is dedicated for any party who contribute significantly to the production/preparation of the article. It could include the sponsor/ research grant donor, early reader, advisor, research assistant, collaborators, etc.
    9. References list all the cited references in the article. References contain at least 30 primary sources (60%-080% references from journal articles and books for the rest) and should be recent (10 years back). Secondary references should not exceed 15% of total references. List of references is arranged alphabetically in accordance to Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (Full Note) format. The reference list is categorized into: Books, Journal articles, thesis/dissertation, websites, interview, etc. 


      (application for citations Chicago Manual Style Full Note Edition 17 (footnote) uses the footnote citation model, Author Name, Title, Place of Publisher, Publisher and Year)

    10. Attachment (if applicable)
  • Table is centered, title is written at the top of the table, in Times New Roman 10 pt. See template.
  • Figure is centered, title of figure is written at the bottom, in Times New Roman 10 pt. See template. The image resolution should be more than 300 dpi. See template.
  • Arab-Latin transliteration should refer to: Pedoman Transliterasi Arab-Latin SKB Dua Menteri, Menteri Agama RI Nomor 158 tahun 1987 and Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Nomor 0543 b/u/1987 on Pedoman Transliterasi Arab–Latin (attached).
  • Once an article is accepted for publication, author should fill and sign the release of copyright (available).

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