Lektur dan Khazanah Keagamaan: Prospek Pengembangannya
Religious literature, religious heritage, tangible, intangible, conservation and developmentAbstract
Religious literature and heritage (RLH) plays an important and strategic role in nearlu all aspects of the nation. Politically, respecting RLH as a part of the cultural legacy, besides strengthening nationalism, it will be functional for upholding our prestige and dignity. RLH acknowledges our past cultural legacies, nobilty and worth to be revitalized for the future life betterment. Further, historically, or course RLH is very strategic to be a medium for connecting the past, present and next generation. In this context, understanding of what RLH is in essence becomes something necessary for the people. For this purpose, the article tries epistemologically to describe, unpack, elaborat, and detail “what, why and how RLH†have to be conserved and managed for the sake of strengthening the nation in the frame of global dynamics.
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Undang-undang RI no. 11 Tahun 2010 tentang Cagar Budaya (UUCB),.
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Declaration on Cultural Heritage 2000â€, yang berisikan “Policies And Programmes As A Framework For Asean Cooperation On Cultural Heritageâ€