Nasionalisme dalam Teks Keagamaan Indonesia Masa Depan
globalisasi, nasionalisme, teks keagamaan, faham transÂnaÂsional, pendekatan sosial-budaya,Abstract
This article aims at: (i) describing condition of Indonesianâ€s natioÂnalism, (ii) analysing the socio-political effects of religious texts toward nationalism in Indonesia, and (iii) proposing strategic alternatives for empowering the future Indonesian’s nationalism. Through an inductive-deductive approach, the article highlights that, unavoidably, globalization has shaped any condusive situation for the growth and development of universal and transnational ideologies. Globalisation of religious text—liberal, radical, and moderate-- has been capable of breeding transnaÂtionalism ideologies in Indonesia. For the sake of stopping the growth of such destructive ideologies, the use of socio-cultural approach is necesÂsarily needed. Which is carried out by (i) controlling and censoring adeÂquatrely toward religious texts, and (ii) revitalilizing the constructive religious text legacies, (iii) intensifying and extensifying committment and responsibility of the Goverment, private institution, and society at large to manage any cultural legacies of Nusantara.
Key words: globalization, nationalism, religious texts, transnational ideologies, sociocuktural approach.
Artikel ini bertujuan: (i) menggambarkan kondisi nasionalisme Indonesia, (ii) menganalisis pengaruh teks keagamaan transnasional terhaÂdap nasioÂnaÂlisÂme Indonesia, dan (iii) mengusulkan strategi penguatÂan nasionaÂlisÂme Indonesia melalui pendekatan sosial budaya. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan induktif-deduktif, artikel menggaris-bawahi bahwa globalisasi berdampak kuat terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gerakan transÂnasional. Globalisasi teks keagamaan—baik teks liberal, teks radikal mauÂpun teks moderat—telah menyuburkan pertumbuhan gerakan transnaÂsional di Indonesia. Untuk itu, pendekatan sosial budaya menjadi salah satu salah satu cara efektif untuk menangÂhambat perkembangan globalisasi faham transnasional, diantaraÂnya melaÂlui: (i) penyaringan, pengontrolan, dan pengawasan terhadap teks keagaÂmaÂan (ii) revitalisasi khazanah teks-teks keagamaan yang konstruktif bagi nasionalisme Indonesia & NKRI, dan (iii) intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi program, serta (iv) penguatan komitÂmen semua pihak—Pemerintah, PemeÂrintah Daerah, dan masyarakat.
Kata kunci: globalisasi, nasionalisme, teks keagamaan, faham transÂnaÂsional, pendekatan sosial-budaya.
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